In George We Trust
A(nother) blog about the most storied franchise in sports
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Did I miss something?
From today's ESPN chat with Jerry Crasnick:

cashman, ny: Hi Jerry, is Chien Ming Wang the real deal, or will he be just another sub-par pitcher on the Yankees roster. I couldn't help but notice him consistently hitting triple digits on the radar gun last October.

Jerry Crasnick: (12:13 PM ET ) Cashman, A lot of people really like Wang -- and so does Brian (Cashman), which is why the Yankees refused to deal him. He's had some rotator cuff issues that will bear watching, but the Yanks would love him to seize a starting spot in spring training.

I don't recall him hitting triple digits ever, none the less in October. BA's 2005 Prospect Handbook says he's hit 97 in the past, but after his shoulder woes he's consistently in the 92-94 range now. Can anyone let me know if I did missed something and he was topping 100? Thanks
Blogger Mr. Faded Glory said...
No that's just some idiotic fan asking an idiotic question on an idiotic sports network's webpage

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